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    Volunteering and Special Projects    

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Monthly Volunteer Activity

Quest Food Exchange

Once every month UBC ECHO volunteers at Quest Food Exchange to help repack food to be redistributed to those in need. 


Quest Food Exchange is a not-for-profit organization based in Vancouver, BC that focuses on reducing hunger with dignity, fostering sustainability and build a community. They recover quality surplus food and redistribute it to individuals facing food security challenges via dignified access to affordable and healthy food. 


To learn more about Quest Food Exchange:


    Fundraisers and Events    

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October 2019

Donate for Donuts

UBC ECHO held a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser in the AMS Nest to raise money for the Orange Shirt Society. 


The Orange Shirt Society is a non-profit organization based in Williams Lake, BC. The group's goals are to raise awareness about the impacts of Indian Residential Schools on Indigenous communities and the concept of "Every Child Matters" while supporting Indian Residential School Reconciliation.



To learn more about the Orange Shirt Society:  


    Volunteering and Special Projects    


September 2020

Sensory Bottles & LMDSS Hiring

In early September 202, ECHO President Jaskarn drove to the Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society to deliver the sensory bottles that members had put together for those with Down Syndrome. Sensory bottles provide relaxing stimulation to help those with Down Syndrome to focus and to wind down, a very lovely gift indeed!


LMDSS was also hiring at the time for various executive positions and applications were accepted by Outreach Chairs.


To stay up to date to LMDSS's latest activities, visit their website at:

    Fundraisers and Events    

September 2020

UBC Club's Day 

Early September, AMS ECHO participated in the campus-wide UBC Club's Day in hopes to recruit new members and to promote their September hiring. Due to the pandemic, Club's Day was hosted remotely online, so ECHO members organized Google Meets and welcomed new individuals on UBC CampusBase. 


The event went smoothly and the club gained a fair amount of attention. Good job team!

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